Pregnancy Exercise Information

What is Pregnancy Exercise?

Pregnancy exercise which helps you easily deliver your baby when the right time comes is something every woman looks forward to. During each trimester of your pregnancy, you should perform a set of specific exercises regularly to ensure your body's optimal health. It is important to strengthen your body and prepare it for the big moment not only to make things easier but for the health of yourself as well as your baby. Experts suggest that you should keep moving your body and exercise often to reduce pains, have more energy during the most part of pregnancy, and be able to maintain your body after pregnancy.

Kegel Exercise

◦ Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor of the body and improve the working of the genitals and urinary organs of the body.
◦ Kegel exercise is very easy and can be done anywhere because no one can see you while you are doing it!
◦ It is important to have strong pelvic floor muscles to make the birthing process easier and smoother.


◦ Cycling is a great exercise which is not high in intensity and very effective for the body.
◦ It is very safe to get an indoor stationary equipment to cycle.
◦ The exercise increases your heart rate and boosts the metabolism of your body without any possible risks.
◦ Cycle for 20 to 30 minutes everyday to keep your body healthy and ready.

Further Information