Acne Treatment Information

Acne Hacks

Acne is the enemy of many of us who continue to struggle with everyday. While some people have mild breakouts on their skin, some suffer from very serious acne.

Whatever the intensity of the breakouts on your skin might be, you need to treat it for a better, healthier skin. So, what is the best way to treat your acne?

There are numerous treatments available out there which claim to cure the problem but acne is not something which can be permanently cured – it needs to be prevented.

There are basically three types of acne – comedonal, inflammatory, and cystic.

Comedonal acne is a type of acne which occurs in the form of blackheads and whiteheads on your skin. The main reason why people get comedonal acne breakouts is excessive sebum which blocks the skin pores. It appears most commonly on nose, chin, and forehead.

Inflammatory acne is the form of acne in which the breakouts are inflamed. The blackheads or whiteheads on the skin are redenned or inflamed.

Cystic acne is a very severe form of acne which develops as the result of an infection in the area. These breakouts can be extremely painful and are usually hereditary. In most cases, cystic acne can lead to disfiguring and permanent scarring.

The following acne treatments can be used based on the severity of your case.

• Mild to moderate comedonal and inflammatory acne

◦ These are very common types of acne and occur in teenagers a lot.

◦ These can be treated using topical creams and oral antibiotics.

◦ A common component of the creams manufactured for the treatment is retinoids which unblock the blocked pores.

◦ Oral antibiotics include doxycycline and minocycline which work by killing the bacteria responsible for the inflammation of blocked pores.

◦ Using benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid based formulas is also helpful in reducing inflammation and healing acne in general.

• Severe inflammatory and cystic acne

◦ Severe cases of acne which cannot be treated using topical creams and antibiotics require you to take stronger actions.

◦ Isotretinoin is a drug which is a very strong treatment for acne. It can clear up all the breakouts in a very short span of time but it comes with numerous risks.

◦ Common risks associated with the use of isotretinoin are liver damage, depression, severe birth defects, and complications during pregnancy.

◦ Women cannot be allowed to take isotretinoin during pregnancy and have to submit two negative pregnancy reports before they can start with the drug routine and also have to go through a pregnancy test each month before they can start the next dosage.

◦ The high risk of depression associated with isotretinoin usage is the reason why men are also tracked and have to submit monthly forms.

◦ Other treatments for severe acne include photodynamic therapy and isolaz (laser) treatment.

Further Information