Crossfit Information

What is CrossFit?

A healthy workout routine leads to a much better life – this is why you need CrossFit. CrossFit is a fitness program which is not designed for the faint hearted. It is a very intense program that features a big selection of exercises and functional movements which keep changing after certain intervals. The CrossFit fitness program was created by Greg Glassman who also founded the registered trademark, 'CrossFit Inc' in year 2000. CrossFit is not only promoted as a fitness training program, it is also a competitive sport.

CrossFit has garnered lots of attention since its inception. While many people have loved the high intensity interval program which also incorporates elements from other training programs like gymnastics, aerobics, powerlifting, weightlifting, and many others, while many have criticised its above average intensity and consider it a dangerous routine. CrossFit Inc, however, does not heed to the criticism and considers in unnecessary.

Competitive CrossFit

The popularity of the fitness program has been always growing and this can be seen in the fact that CrossFit has its own games festival dedicated to it annually which attracts thousands of athletes. CrossFit Games is an athletic competition which is being held every year since 2007. The competition witnesses numerous athletes who compete in teams for the prize money. The CrossFit Games are officially sponsored by CrossFit Inc and Reebok.

The CrossFit program is designed to enhance the athlete's competence at any kind of physical task. Its intensity makes it highly effective in strengthening and conditioning the core of the body. Any CrossFit workout targets the following areas of physical fitness: stamina, endurance, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, flexibility.

Effectiveness of CrossFit

Is CrossFit really as effective as it claims? Or is it a program which only deals with already healthy people and too intense for the obese? CrossFit has tested its techniques for a long time on not just the healthy youth but the obese, the middle aged adults, and even athletes. The type of CrossFit workouts a person would be assigned depends on his or her physical well being but in the end, the main aims of CrossFit, as listed above, remain unchanged. You will lose weight and become speedier, healthier by regularly following CrossFit workouts.

The major difference between CrossFit and regular gymnasium training is that the latter is more focused on targeting one area at a time and employs the use of long interval training. On the other hand, CrossFit is made of short interval, high intensity moves which improve not just the physical health but also enhance motor coordination. It can be challenging at first, but in the end, CrossFit offers numerous benefits and should not be underestimated.

Written by Jay Stamm, Fitness Industry Expert

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